Sunday, August 7, 2011

VIDEO POST: Blogher Highlight #1: FLASHMOB!!

Me and 174 close friends FLASHMOB @Blogher photo via Manny Ruiz
Hello Everyone!

Well, it's the day after Blogher and I am BEAT!! The food, the drink, the friends-it was all a GIGANTE BLAST! (plus? I got soooo many questions about my cute Jockey Person to Person clothes!)

I'm way too pooped to do a real post about it right now, but I wanted to share one of the highlights of the whole conference for me: I DANCED IN A FLASHMOB! It was put together by sistah Momfia-members Theresa (@rockonmommies) and Mary (@mamamaryshow) and somehow 175 gabby bloggers managed to keep #OPERATIONGLORY a secret for weeks!

While I recover from last nights closing festivities-please enjoy this video taken by one of the 3,000+ bloggers who were there (I'm in the font row, middle left of the screen, in my black and hot pink Jockey Person to Person, of course!)
Thanks again to my wonderful sponsors, Jockey Person to Person-please like their facebook page! I'll be doing a post on the 12 outfits I wore at Blogher (put together from only 10 garments!) a little later.

Wishing you love and RHYTHM with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

*disclosure: I was sponsored to attend Blogher 2011 by Jockey Person to Person, for whom I am a Comfort Consultant. The opinions expressed above are mine and mine alone.


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

You were amazing. Absolutely amazing! Everytime I see you dancing I love you!

Nacho Mama said...

THANK YOU! You were fabulous too-can you believe we did that?