Wednesday, October 10, 2012

PODCAST EPISODE 34: Holiday Survival Guide

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Don't let this happen to you-My Grandpa, 1974
Feel like you can't escape the mountains of candy at the supermarket? Can't believe artificial Christmas trees are already on sale? TERRIFIED of what all that stress, family and FOOD are going to do to your health and fitness goals? Never fear! Join me during the LIVE broadcast in the chatroom as we discuss tips and tricks to help you get through the coming holiday season with your waistline, and your sanity, intact.

Thanksgiving should be about being together-my dad (the boy in the foreground) and his family, 1950s


Find a holiday 5K near you!

Couch to 5K

Mama's Kitchen-Buy Pies and feed people in need

Brooklyn Fit Chick


Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

Disclosure:  All opinions expressed on Nacho Mama's Podcast are strictly my own. I am also not affiliated with Weight Watchers-just a regular, paying customer, folks. ALL PODCAST CONTENT is © Nacho Mama and, 2009-2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of podcast content without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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