Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gettin' Back on the Exercise Train with MILK!

It's that time of year again! Time to tackle those fitness and weightloss goals. I did pretty well last year and am pretty close to my goal weight-but I need to step up my game. Those of you who've been reading the blog lately know that I've even set up a little Dietbet. I've got to lose about 6 pounds by February 10th or I'm gonna lose $15 bucks!
Can these bicep curls help YOU keep those resolutions?
Fortunately for me, the folks over at El Vaso Medio Lleno are sharing a fun series of videos featuring exercises that you can do with (what else?) a gallon jug of MILK! Give them a try-you'll be surprised how challenging they actually are!

I decided to give them a try myself. You've GOTTA love any exercise that ends with CHOCOLATE MILK! Because I'm following the "Simply Filling" eating plan, I made mine with fat-free milk, cocoa powder and no-calorie natural sweetner. Only thing was, I "simply" couldn't wait to drink it!
What can I say? I work better with chocolate.
Hope you enjoy the videos every day from now until January 18th at 7&8am on Despierta America-or you can catch them all over at El Vase Medio Lleno's Youtube Channel,  GOOD LUCK with those resolutions!

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

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