Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where have I been? Gearing up for FITBLOGGIN!

I'm sorry for being MIA-but I've been SUPER busy getting ready for FITBLOGGIN! I can't believe I'll be in Portland, hugging all my favorite health, fitness and weightloss bloggers, in less than 48 hours.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has expressed excitement over the discussion that Jennifer Sader (from Perfect in Our Imperfections) and I will be leading about "Getting Back from Gaining Back". Not going to Fitbloggin? No worries, there will be live bloggers at every session! Keep track of what we're up to at Fitbloggin.com.
I think this is me at my heaviest?

Jennifer wrote a terrific post this week about her ups and downs at the scale. I thought about writing one, but realized I'd pretty much detailed everything in "Fat Girl Follies"- a piece I wrote for Mamiverse last year. You can read my story (if you're interested) and see a bunch of "heavy" photos of me HERE. Sorry to make you click away, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to copy and paste it all for you here at NMB.
Who's ready for FITBLOGGIN?

I am so excited to finally be meeting some of you later this week-SEE YOU AT FITBLOGGIN! I've gotta go finish packing!

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

Thursday, June 6, 2013

PODCAST Episode 48: Podcast Playlist!

Listen to internet radio with NachoMamasPodcast on BlogTalkRadio
Click the player to listen NOW!

Wondering where you can find other great Weightloss, Fitness & Health podcasts while you're waiting for me to get off the dime and upload a new episode of Nacho Mama's Podcast? Today I'll be sharing the best podcasts from my playlist!