Today's topic for National Health Blog Post Month:
Disclosure post. How do you decide what to share? What do/don't you share?
Not that Nacho Mama's Blog is some juicy gossip site, but those of you who've been here for a while (and especially those of you who listen to
the podcast) know I share pretty freely when it comes to myself: my health, my body image, my weightloss struggles, my disgraceful baking skills, etc. I don't want to bore you, of course, but you know what they say, "Write/talk about what you know." I also want to take the opportunity here to say THANK YOU to all of you who have written/tweeted me to tell me that you can relate.
It's TOTALLY not because I'm completely self-aborbed...honest! |
Having said that, I do try to have
some discretion where the other folks in my life are concerned. I know I have a tendency to "get going" on a story without checking whether the other characters are ok with my sharing our adventures. I don't always succeed in keeping mum, but so far I've managed to keep it from devolving into, well...
What don't YOU share? Do tell! I'm waiting. One ringy-dingy....(btw can we all just take a moment for the majesty that is Lily Tomlin and CHER? If you ever needed the courage to be who you are, look no further, people!)
Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama