Monday, October 12, 2015


You are so naturally meeeeeee....

In my last post, I shared my results of the Hormone Reset Diet. The last phase of the "diet" is to eliminate as many toxins as possible from your home and personal products. That wasn't a huge change for me, but I did give my makeup drawer a mini-makeover. I actually found some great products that were free from harmful, endocrine disrupting chemicals! Watch the video to see some of my favorites.

What's your favorite natural beauty product?

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

RESULTS of the Hormone Reset Diet PLUS Natural Makeup Finds!

WARNING: 2 VERY long videos ahead! You might want to just play them in the background while you do something productive. :)
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Hello lovelies!

I am getting ready to attend the Women's Wellness Conference in Orange County at the end of this week-I can't wait to geek out with some of my fave health gurus! One speaker I'm particularly looking forward to hearing is Dr. Sara Gottfried, who wrote The Hormone Reset Diet, a 21-day detox/reset that I've just completed (see my last post). What were my results? Watch (or listen to) the video to find out!
I made that video about a week ago and yes, I am still eating as though I am on the Hormone Reset Diet! I'm feeling terrific so there's no real reason to change anything for the time being.

One thing I forgot to mention was that the final phase of the diet involves removing household cleaners and personal care products that contain potential endocrine disruptors. I'd mostly done this already but I had to admit my makeup bag had some seriously toxic stuff in it. Did I find any great replacements? I did! Watch the video to find out.
I really love the SkinDeep app, I hope they continue to add more products to their database.

Do YOU have any natural makeup faves? Let me know!

Wishing you love with extra cheese,
Nacho Mama