Still recovering...so many hugs...so...much...bacon...
Let's start with the "just for fun" stuff.
1. Getting to see and hug all my Fitbloggin friends! To name a few:
What's that? Oh yeah, there was a flashmob. Yes, again.
This is the 3rd time the "fitmob" has hit Fitbloggin. I still cannot believe any of these people agree to participate. For every "yes" there are at least 2 "nos", so it makes the effort and final product of the group that much more meaningful. They TRULY rocked it this year!
The flashmob originally started because I was nervous about attending a conference where, for the first time ever, I did not know a single soul "IRL". It's become a great way for seasoned Fitbloggers and newbies to bond long before the conference begins.
I'll try to locate some video. We were kind of amazing.
4. The Scavenger Hunt
Christine (
Dubyawife) organized a crazy (seriously, KRAY-ZEE) scavenger hunt that had us invading the streets of Denver, asking cops to marry us, serenading strangers and, um, bending the law (
Our team, "Green is the New Black", bouncing on the Jumpsport Trampolines in a most law-abiding manner. (photo by Nicole Tow, Health Nut In Training) |
5. Off-Time
One of my favorite things about Fitbloggin is what happens during the off-times between and after the official sessions and festivities.
Kelly and I spent a great afternoon enjoying lunch at ModMarket (ModMarketplace?) and enjoying some of the sights of downtown Denver, including the ballpark.
Deb and I took a beautiful walk along the "creek", which here in California would be considered a raging river, if not a tsunami. We miss water.
I had a wonderful talk with Susan (
SusanIto.com) that was so enthralling, we forgot to take a selfie!
Christine (
@Dubyawife again, always the instigator) brought CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY.
Horrid, deplorable humans. Especially that middle one, trying to hide behind her cards. photo by Christine |
6. Jen
Did I take this photo? I'm going to say I did. |
Two years ago Jennifer (
Perfect In Our Imperfections) and I proposed similar session topics to Fitbloggin. Roni suggested we present together. We decided we might as well room together while we were at it, and a Fitbloggin tradition was born. Jennifer is the reason I don't bite anyone's head off or throw chanclas at Fitbloggin breakfasts. You're welcome.
7. Roni (and Team Fitbloggin)
Roni, center, and just some of Team Fitbloggin.
THANK YOU! (photo by Carrie D Photography) |
Roni is remarkably shy and yet still has managed to pull off this HUGE, multifaceted event year after year. Next year Fitbloggin gets passed into the hands of a new team. That means Roni may actually get in on more of the fun from now on. Which is as it should be, because Roni is the sh*t.
Okay, that's about all I can manage for now. Stay tuned for more fun, LOADS of fitness and some stuff I actually learned.
Yes, me!
Wishing you love with extra cheese,
Nacho Mama