Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Listen to internet radio with NachoMamasPodcast on Blog Talk Radio

So how's that New Year's Resolution to lose weight coming along? Join us as we bring back Stefanie Marie from If Curves Could Talk as we discuss the best, smartest, healthiest and EASIEST ways to lose weight and develop sensible, sustainable habits today! And, of course, we'll be discussing the Weight Watchers PointsPlus plan in detail-so if you have any questions, join us LIVE! This show is PART TWO of our 3-part series on Wellness.


If Curves Could Talk- Stefanie's blog

Weight Watchers

Spark People


Richard Simmons' Food Mover

Hungry Girl!

MODA by Sofia- Susan Jentzsch's fitnesswear line and motivational blog


The Spark- by SparkPeople founder Chris Downie

The Jean Nidetch Story: An Autobiography - the AMAZING story or the New yyork housewife who founded Weight Watchers

Weight Loss Boss-How to Win at Losing and Take Charge in an Out-Of-Control Food World - by Weight Watchers CEO David Kirchhoff, due out May 8th.

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

Disclosure: All opinions expressed on Nacho Mama's Podcast are strictly my own. I am also not affiliated with Weight Watchers-just a regular, paying customer, folks. ALL PODCAST CONTENT Blogtalkradio.com/NachoMamasPodcast is © Nacho Mama and nachomamasblog.com, 2009-2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of podcast content without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

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