Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PODCAST Episode 52: Gwyn of Gwynspiration

Click the player to listen NOW!

Today our special guest will be Gwyn of Gwyinspiration, a blogger and Weight Watchers member who has lost over 100 pounds! She'll share her experience and how she's using her passion for fitness to help others.


Support Gwyn and Breast Cancer paitents! Bright Pink: www.stayclassy.org/gwynspiration. Blog:www.chicagonow.com/gwynspiration-weight-loss 
facebook page: www.Facebook.com/gwynspiration 
Twitter: @smileygwyn 
pinterest: pixiegirlgwyn

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama

Disclosure: All opinions, content, views and ideas expressed on Nacho Mama's Podcast are strictly my own and those of my guests and are presented for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is strongly advised that you consult professional guidance when considering anything discussed on Nacho Mama's Blog or Nacho Mama's Podcast. Though I am an employee of Weight Watchers, EVERYTHING on Nacho Mama's Blog & Nacho Mama's Podcast is strictly my own opinion and does not represent any other party or company. ALL PODCAST CONTENT Blogtalkradio.com/NachoMamasPodcast is © Nacho Mama and nachomamasblog.com, 2009-2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of podcast content without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


Unknown said...

Thanks for having me on the show. I really appreciate it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for having me on the show. I really appreciate it.