Hello, dear ones. How is your 2016 going? One BIG goal I had set for this year is to FINALLY get back to Nacho Mama's Podcast (still available on iTunes and Stitcher). Not that I haven't been podcasting at all, of course I've been very active over at the Book Versus Movie podcast my dear friend Margo D (@BrooklynFitChik) and I have been producing. But I have sorely missed doing Nacho Mama's Podcast-so I determined to find a way to get it broadcast.
I'm so glad to be back! One of the main reasons I've wanted to resurrect the podcast is that there are so many lovely podcasts I want to share with you. The two I mention in this episode are:
The Dependent Independent
The Fat Father Chronicles
And there will be more! Plus I can finally answer a few of the questions you all have been asking in my absence.
In the meantime...is there anything else you all would like to know? Seriously, I'd love to answer your questions on the air so send 'em right along, folks. You can ask in the comments, tweet me @shesnachomama or email me ShesNachoMama@yahoo.com.
And let me know how you are! I've missed you. What are some of YOUR 2016 goals?
Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama
Disclosure: All opinions, content, views and ideas expressed on Nacho Mama's Podcast are strictly my own and those of my guests and are presented for entertainment and informational purposes only. It is strongly advised that you consult professional guidance when considering anything discussed on Nacho Mama's Blog or Nacho Mama's Podcast. I am also not affiliated with Weight Watchers-just a regular, paying customer, folks. ALL PODCAST CONTENT Blogtalkradio.com/NachoMamasPodcast is © Nacho Mama and nachomamasblog.com, 2009-2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of podcast content without express and written permission from this blog's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Hooray, a new podcast!
Enjoyed it and wanted to congratulate you on your beautiful new website. Miss you!
Margo. thank you so much. I can't say how thankful I am to have people like you in my corner.
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