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It's FINALLY here! We'll be talking about "Weight Watchers 360"and the additions to the WW Pointsplus program. Joinme as we "geek out" on all things Weight Watchers and participate in the converstaion in the chatroom during the LIVE broadcast!
Weight Watchers
Finding "Me Time" During the Holidays-my post at Mamiverse
Curvy Escapades-Cynthia's NEW blog!
Nacho Mama
Disclosure: All opinions expressed on Nacho Mama's Podcast are strictly my own and are intended for entertainment purposes only. For heaven's sake, please consult your health care provider before beginning a new health or fitness program of any kind! I am also not affiliated with Weight Watchers-just a regular, paying customer, folks. ALL PODCAST CONTENT is © Nacho Mama and, 2009-2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of podcast content without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
I almost forgot! In addition to the 3 month tracker, Success Handbook, measuring cups and coupons the NEW Member Kit ALSO includes a body measuring tape, a workout DVD, food labeling stickers and a BIG Cookbook! All for just $34.95 (special pricing for a limited time)
Listened to your podcast online yesterday, it was great! I am 8 weeks into weight watchers and have lost 9 lbs. I want to keep my online membership and am thinking about just paying and going to one local meeting , as I would like all the new 360 materials- and there are things in the new member kit I dont need. If I do a pay as I go meeting , would you guess they would have those materials there to give me... ? I will be checking out your blog and podcast again. You can find me at
Hi Suzanne-thanks so much for sharing your blog, I loved it! And thanks for checking out the podcast (and this blog, of course!). I do think you'll be able to get those new materials for a while. I know that the special pricing for the New Member Kit is going to be good through February so I figure you have at least that long to get the new materials that the rest of us got in the meeting rooms. Good luck-it sounds like you're doing really great! :) Margo
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