Saturday, January 24, 2015

2015 Goal: Eat Organic At Least 75% of the Time

Hello, there!
Turns out organic, grass-fed cheese is delicious AND affordable!

Today I'm sharing another goal for 2015: to eat ORGANIC as much as possible. 

Look at this beautiful, organic food coop I get to shop in! I can't believe I don't go there more often, what's wrong with me?

Learn more about the OB People's Organic Coop here:

Do YOU buy organic? If so, what prompted you to do so? And what are your favorite organic products that AREN'T fruits or veggies?

Wishing you love with extra cheese-
Nacho Mama


Anonymous said...

I go out of my way to find organic dairy and pastured meat and eggs.

Nacho Mama said...

Me too! Boy, I really can taste a difference. Especially with eggs!